Anthony Geernaert professional photographer & fancy man.

This bitch really is venomous.

What a couple of douche nozzles.

Double fisting is cool only while you're doing it, then it hurts.

Magic vibro fingers.

What a knob gobbler.

Mrs. Geernaert

Hanging on by a fish killing, seagull strangling thread.

Mirror, mirror on the wall
this drunkard is about to fall.
mr golden finger! the man was hurtinng, weak shoulder and kneee, what have you been doint???
Fuck that was a sweet gathering. Many man hugs and reuninon of madness. That Cobra fucks me up every time, turns me mean on a dime. Good to see you big guy. MVP MVP MVP MVP!
Till next time.
God Damn!...(you know the rest)
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